I hope we can be friends / I want you back / Go fuck yourself
Babe / My Love / Skank Bitch,
You've been the only thing on my mind for weeks. I can barely sleep thinking about (where we went wrong / how much I miss you / what an evil, evil whore you are). After two years (I can't believe our relationship is ending like this / I'm not ready to give up on us / my eyes have been opened to what a horrible shrew I've been sticking my dick in). I thought we had something special but (I guess it wasn't meant to be / somewhere we went wrong / it turns out all I really had was a festering herpes sore on my ass in the form of you). I'm so sorry (things didn't work out / for everything I said / that you're such a heinous bitch). I hope that (we can still be friends / you can find it in your heart to forgive me / you get the most burning case of Chlamydia ever recorded in human history).
The first few months of our relationship were great. We were both so happy. When I first met you I knew that (you could be my best friend and maybe even more / I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you / it would probably be easy to get you into bed… and it was). Then (we just started drifting apart / I lost sight of why I fell in love with you in the first place / you fucked Mike). Once things went bad we just got into a downward spiral. I hate that (we lost sight of why we liked each other in the first place / you're no longer the first face I see in the morning /at some point 22 years ago your lush of a father managed to sober up just long enough to stick his limp dick into your mother's putrid snatch, thereby begetting the screeching harpy larva that would become you).
I just want you to know that (I still care about you / I want you back / I put that sex tape we made up on the internet and posted it on your dad's Facebook wall). Things are over between us now (but that doesn't mean we don't still mean something to each other / but you and I are meant to be together / and I've already banged your best friend and your roommate). I'd like to (keep you in my life, even as a friend / start over and be a much better man for you / set my dick on fire) because (you've been such a positive part of my life for so long / I can't stand the thought of going through life without you / that seems like the only way to cleanse it of the taint of your existence). I know this breakup (was hard on both of us / seemed like the right thing / means I will never again have to lay eyes on that baboon's ass you call a face) but (I think things ended as well as they could have / I still love you and I know you still love me / I'm sure I'll always be able to find you if I just follow the line of bums waiting to run a train on you). No matter what, (I will always care about you and treasure the time we spent together /nothing will change the fact that we are meant for each other / you will always be a filthy whore that even the filthiest of whores will think of as a really filthy fucking whore). Just know that (I'll be here for you, always / the bond we share can't be broken by any force in the universe /I've e-mailed this letter to your boss).
Please (think about it and let me know if you'd like to try to maintain our friendship / please please call me / go to hell).
(Your Friend / Your One And Only Soulmate / Suck a bag of dicks. Oh wait, you already did),
[Your Name Here]
p.s. (Some of your clothes are still at my apartment. I can bring them to you and maybe we can talk / I love you / Your boobs are lop-sided and everyone notices).

pesanan penaja:haha! i like! di copy paste dari somewhere ntah,,,, but i think it really help you,,, but unfortunately,,, teda pla utk ex-bf,,, kalau nda lama sda aku kc dia,,, haha,,, eh? dia??
panjaangggnye......kO tulis kah...OR ko cOpy paste nie nisa....????hehe
BalasPadamsaja kan myamak d blogger mu....
lawa blogger mu ar...warna-warni lagi....heheh
haha... kak ilah,,, andang jua rona roni,,, haha,,, au la,,, d copy,,, ada jua ku gtau itu,,, hehe